Invisalign Cost in Mississippi State – Prices And Alternatives Explained

Invisalign cost in Mississippi

Many adults looking to straighten their teeth opt for Invisalign. It’s been the country’s go-to orthodontic treatment for over 20 years, and it has provided 10+ million patients with life-changing smiles in the United States. Yet while Invisalign continues to deliver consistent results, the Invisalign cost can vary greatly depending on where you reside.

Typically you can expect to pay somewhere between $3000 and $5500 for Invisalign treatment in Mississippi State and while that’s a hefty price swing, where you fall between those price points depends upon factors like the complexity of your treatment and where you live.

So, while it might seem that we’re sitting on the fence when it comes to nailing down the Invisalign cost, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! By the end of this guide, you’ll have a better idea of what you can expect to pay for Invisalign treatment in Mississippi. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

What is Invisalign – A Quick History

For those of you looking into teeth straightening options for the first time, you may be a little unsure about what Invisalign is. To put it simply, Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth using a series of removable aligners (known as trays). But how did it all start?

In the mid-1990s, a young Stanford University student Zia Chishti was undergoing orthodontic treatment. During treatment, he endured many of the inconveniences that come with wearing fixed ‘bracket-and-wire’ style braces for 24 hours a day. Chishti felt that there had to be a better way and it came to him when he was given his retainer after treatment had finished. He wondered if teeth could be straightened using a series of plastic removable retainers, rather than fixed braces. With that thought, he teamed up with Kelsey Wirth, another Stanford student and in 1997, started to work on the development of their product – Invisalign.

Now called Align Technology, the team already had access to Stanford’s CAD/CAM 3D modelling and printing equipment and began to develop mock-ups of what the aligners would look like. At the same time, they worked on a software program that could create a model of a person’s current bite, then simulate what that bite would look like after treatment, and the stages in between. They used this as a basis to custom-design each aligner. Finally, after one year of product development, it was approved by the FDA in 1998.

At first, acceptance was slow, but as time progressed, dentists and patients alike found that Invisalign was effective, reliable, and safe. By 2004, 175,000 people had success with Invisalign and by 2012, that figure had grown to over 2 million. In the 4th quarter of 2019, Invisalign announced their 8 millionth customer, and by last year ( 2021), that figure had grown to over 10 million.

In the early years, Invisalign had no competition due to a series of water-tight patents but in 2019 many of those patents lapsed opening the door for other companies to introduce their brand of clear aligners.

How Invisalign Straightens Teeth And How It Differs From Traditional Braces

One of the most significant advantages of clear aligner therapy is that it is so different from conventional braces treatment that we know. Here’s a comparison guide:

Invisalign Conventional braces
Type Multi-step Single-fixed
Design Custom-moulded Brackets and wire
Material Clear thermoplastic Metal or ceramic
Appearance Virtually invisible Noticeable in the mouth
Removable Yes No

As you can see from the above guide, there are noticeable variations between conventional braces and Invisalign clear aligners. Traditional braces move teeth using a series of brackets and archwires. The arch-wires are threaded through the brackets, which are, in turn, stuck to the front of the teeth.

When the wires are tightened, they apply pressure to the teeth forcing them to move in a specific direction. One appliance is worn for the whole duration of the treatment.

Alternatively, Invisalign treatment is a multi-step, multi-stage process involving anything from 12-40+ custom-designed aligners depending upon the complexity of your treatment. Rather than using specific hand-made adjustments to shift teeth, Invisalign cleverly harnesses the natural moving forces that already occur in the mouth. Here is how the process works.

Each aligner is designed to move the teeth incrementally – typically just 0.25 – 0.3 mm. It does this by capturing the forces of tension and compression. When an aligner is first worn over the teeth, it feels very tight. This is because it’s been cleverly designed to fit the first incremental movement – not the position your teeth are currently in now. During the first 3 days, the aligner’s shape gently forces the periodontal ligament (the fibrous elastic component that anchors the tooth to the jawbone) to move. This, in turn, triggers cellular movement at the bone level. Because it can take up to two weeks for enough bone to move and attach the tooth to its new current position, patients will typically wear each aligner for this amount of time.

After two weeks is up, the first aligner is discarded, the new aligner is worn, and the process starts all over again.

Eventually, when the final aligner is worn, the patient will have straighter, healthier teeth.

Availability of Invisalign in Mississippi State – An Overview

There’s no getting away from the fact that Mississippi has a high cost of living – especially if you live in the city itself. And while Invisalign costs vary, all this adds up to more expensive treatment. The upshot is that Mississippi State has a ton of dentists and orthodontists who currently offer Invisalign treatment. In fact, according to Invisalign’s Find A Doctor Tool, there are over 500 certified Invisalign providers within the city itself. This allows you to consult multiple dentists to get the best price.

The other factor to bear in mind regarding costs is taxes. The average rate of General Service Tax (GST) in Mississippi state is 4%, although, in some areas, this can be as much as 8.875%

Cost Range of Invisalign in the Mississippi State – Factors to Take Into Consideration

While factors like the treatment complexity dictate higher or lower prices across the board, there are other factors to consider for people living in Mississippi State in particular.

Intra-state differences

Not only does Invisalign cost differ from state to state, but it also differs depending upon your location within the state. As you can imagine, urban areas have a higher cost of living, and therefore rent and utilities will be higher.

Other factors that influence Invisalign cost

Other factors that influence how much you will pay for Invisalign treatment include the level of specialism. Okay, so this isn’t specific to Mississippi State per se, but it will make a difference to the result.

Orthodontists, for example, specialize in treating irregularities of the teeth and jaw, including tooth movement. Then you have general dentists who have large portfolios of completed Invisalign cases and are registered as Platinum or Diamond providers. Typically specialist orthodontists or Invisalign top-tier providers will charge more money than a general dentist who has just started offering Invisalign to their patients. So, in some cases, you may need to decide between experience and cost.

Top tip – To find out how much experience an Invisalign provider has, try searching for providers on Invisalign’s website. They will show you the tier levels of each provider in your area.

Invisalign Alternatives – How To Get Affordable Aligner Treatment in Mississippi

Early on in this guide, we alluded to the fact that other companies also provide clear aligner treatment that may be more affordable. Many of these companies are now well-established or are start-ups that have the technology and setup to offer cheaper Invisalign alternatives. Some also do things a little differently from Invisalign.

To avoid confusion, there are, in essence, 3 basic models for supplying clear aligners. They are:

  • Dentist/Orthodontist led in-office aligners (like Invisalign)
  • Store-based aligner companies (CandidCo)
  • At-home aligner services (Byte)

So what’s the difference?

As the name suggests, with Invisalign, a patient would only receive treatment by going directly through their local Invisalign dentist/orthodontist. This was the only way to receive clear aligner treatment until recently.

Orthodontists or dentists can also support store-based aligner companies, but instead of visiting a local dental office, interested parties would visit a local store and undergo a check-up by a clinician to see if they are eligible.

Finally, home-based aligner services are based purely online, which means that every aspect of treatment is carried out in the comfort of your own home. This includes registration, impression-taking, and even virtual check-ins.

SmileDirect Club

Founded in 2014 and one of the first companies to offer at-home clear aligner treatment, SmileDirectClub continues to be one of the most popular options. Having treated over a million people to date, patients can be assured that SmileDirectClub is familiar with a wide variety of conditions, questions, and complications.


Treatment costs $2050 or $89 per month regardless of whether you choose standard or Nighttime aligners. SmileDirectClub also offers guaranteed finance for treatment over 26 months through Smilepay with no need for a credit check. Check out their website here.

Dental Insurance

You can save a lot by using your dental insurance to get SmileDirectClub clear aligners. As it accepts major insurance coverage. Moreover, you can also pay using your HSA and FSA funds. SDC has partnered with the following insurance providers to accept coverage;

  1. Aetna
  2. MetLife
  3. UnitedHealthcare
  4. Dominion National
  5. Capital Blue Cross
  6. Anthem Blue Cross
  7. Blue Shield of California
  8. Empire BlueCross BlueShield
  9. Anthem Blue Cross

To check your eligibility visit SmileDirectClub’s insurance page.

Additional Expense

SmileDirectClub has several SmileShops available across the U.S. that patients can visit to get their teeth scanned and be approved for treatment or get an impression kit for $59. On the flip side, there is an additional charge of $99/set for retainers following treatment.

Treatment Duration

SmileDirectClub aligners are worn 22 hours a day (averaging 4-6 months) or Nighttime Aligners™ are worn for 10 continuous hours (treatment time of 10 months). Patients can monitor their treatment through a mobile app or schedule virtual check-ins with a dental professional.


Byte is a direct-to-consumer (DTC) aligner company that bases itself online. Because they have no physical offices and all the costs that go with that, Byte is considerably cheaper than Invisalign.

Byte uses modern technologies like HyperByte to enhance the quality of your treatment.


Byte provides both day and night aligners, and consumers can either pay monthly or make a one-time payment. You can get All-Day aligners for $1999.00 or $70/month and At-Night Aligners for $2399.00 or $84/month. To start with Byte clear aligners, visit here.

Dental Insurance

Byte has partnered with insurance providers to accept your insurance coverage. You can check your eligibility for insurance coverage on your Byte treatment by sending them your insurance information. Byte partners with the following insurance providers;

  1. Aetna
  2. Anthem
  3. Guardian
  4. Empire BlueCross BlueShield

For more information and to check your eligibility, visit here.

Additional Expense

Byte charges you an additional cost of $95 for your impression kit. The aligner kit includes HyperByte, BrightByte, and your first set of retainers. You can get any additional set of retainers for $129.

Treatment Duration

You will need to wear All-day aligners for 22 hours a day and the treatment averagely lasts for 4 months. Byte At-Night aligners should be worn for 10+ hours at night and the treatment takes up to 5 months to complete.


As far as Invisalign alternatives go, ALIGNERCO is by far the most affordable. Anyone in the US looking for aligner treatment will be pleasantly surprised when they see the prices of ALIGNERCO’s invisible aligners.

ALIGNERCO operates online, so everything from candidacy checks to impression-taking and regular check-ins will need to be done online. That said, they have good customer service feedback and use both orthodontists and general dentists to oversee treatment.


ALIGNERCO offers 3 payment plans for their Day and Night clear aligners. For their All Day Invisible Aligners, you can make a one-time payment of $995 with their SmileAdvantage plan. You can also choose a 12-month easy installment plan with SmileFlex and pay $79/month. Moreover, with SmileFlex Easy you can make a downpayment of $545 and pay $100/month for 6 months.

For NightOnly clear aligners, you can either make a one-time payment of $1195 or pay $96/month for 12 months. You can also make a downpayment of $745 and pay $100 for 6 months.

For more information, visit ALIGNERCO’s pricing page.

Dental Insurance

If you wish to claim your dental insurance with your company, ALIGNERCO provides you with all the required documents and receipts. However, they have not started making direct payments to insurance companies yet.

You can also pay through most debit cards if they are linked to your HSA and FSA accounts. ALIGNERCO’s 24/7 customer support can directly handle your order over calls or chats and help you divide your money between your HSA/FSA and other debit/credit card.

All Day Invisible Aligners $995
Insurance coverage -$300
HSA/FSA -$200
Price you pay $495

*The above-mentioned prices are not fixed and may vary by provider and coverage. This is merely a sample of coverage.

Additional Expense

Upon buying the invisible aligner plan, you will receive your impression kit at home or you can also get just an impression kit for $75. Your first set of retainers and teeth whitening kit will be included in your SmileAdvantage and SmileFlex invisible aligner plan. Moreover, you can get an additional set of retainers for $99 or two sets for $85 each when you check out with your aligner plan.

ALIGNERCO also offers a Smile Protection Plan to take care of your newly achieved smile. It includes 8 sets of retainers and you can get this plan for $680.

Treatment Duration

Treatment with ALIGNERCO’s All-Day aligners can last for 4-6 months. You will need to regularly wear your aligners for 22 hours a day to effectively complete your treatment. You will need to wear your NightOnly invisible aligners for 10 continuous hours while you sleep and the treatment averagely lasts for 6-8 months.


Candid started life as an at-home aligner company but transitioned to a store-based/dentist-led hybrid model. Patients will need to visit a CandidPro provider in-store to undergo a digital scan or get their impressions taken.

After that, Candid’s CandidMonitoring™ system allows patients to check in virtually and share their progress throughout the treatment.Candid

Dental Insurance

You will need to check in with your CandidPro provider if they offer any insurance coverage for your treatment with Candidco.


Candid aligners typically cost 30% less than Invisalign, with prices averaging $3300.

Treatment Duration

Treatment with Candidco lasts up to 6 months on average.

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles is an in-office-only treatment that, unlike Invisalign, offers clear aligners and braces.

Typically, Six Month Smiles has a lower cost than Invisalign and ceramic braces but is more expensive than at-home aligners like SmileDirectClub and Byte.

Unlike at-home aligner companies, patients aren’t assigned a random dentist. Instead, they get to choose the dentist that oversees and manages their treat

Six Month Smiles braces are placed only on the visible teeth in the smile line and may be more comfortable than traditional metal braces. However, while they are cheaper and faster than conventional braces, the treatment is not as comprehensive. Six Month Smiles is an effective treatment for those with minor issues looking to create a more attractive-looking smile. However, patients with severe misalignments or bite issues may be better off choosing Invisalign.

Your dentist can also customize treatment by mixing and matching Six Month Smiles clear aligners and clear braces. For example, clear aligners on the top teeth and clear braces on the bottom teeth give a more discreet look than braces alone.

Six Month Smiles clear aligners have proven safe and effective and are similar to most other in-office treatments. Patients have to attend regular progress appointments with their dentist but this also allows them to discuss any concerns in person, enabling the dentist to modify their treatment when necessary.


The average cost of Six Month Smiles treatment is between $3500 and $5000.

Treatment Duration

As its name suggests most patients finish their treatment within six months, making it one of the fastest in-office orthodontic treatments.


ClearCorrect is probably the most well-known Invisalign alternative and Invisalign’s largest in-office competitor. Just like Invisalign, treatment is administered by a dentist or orthodontist in a dental office setting. Much of ClearCorrect’s processes are very similar to Invisalign.

The main advantage they have over Invisalign is that they are cheaper because the company charges dentists/orthodontists less for lab fees. This enables clinical professionals to pass savings directly on to the patient.


ClearCorrect’s prices start at around $4000 and go up to about $5500 depending upon the complexity of a patient’s treatment needs.

Treatment Duration

It can take up to 4 to 18 months to complete treatment with ClearCorrect.


Although NewSmile® is the new brand on the block, they’re certainly a good contender for those seeking at-home aligner treatment. Not only are their prices super-low but their alignments are one of the fastest in the industry.


NewSmile provides two payment options for both Fast Track and Night aligners. You can make a one-time payment of $1595 for Fast Track aligners or pay $58/month. Get Night aligners by making a payment of $1695 or paying $61/month.

You can get NewSmileLife clear aligners by visiting here.

Dental Insurance

NewSmile provides insurance coverage for your aligner treatment. You will need to contact them and send in your details to find out your eligibility for your orthodontic benefits.

Additional Expense

You’ll be pleased to know that the price includes the impression kit, retainers, whitening kit, and a NewSmile Monitoring App at no extra charge. However, you can get an impression kit and treatment preview for $139. Based on your preview, you can decide if you want to proceed with getting the plan.

Treatment Duration

Treatment length for Fast Track is 4-6 months and 8-10 months for Night aligners

Invisalign costs in Mississippi – Summing Up

As you can see, finding out how much Invisalign costs isn’t as straightforward as providing a one-size-fits-all price for everyone. Instead, many other factors can affect the price, including treatment complexity, whether you choose an Invisalign alternative, and even where in Mississippi State you live.

Hopefully, we’ve given you all the information you need to better evaluate the costs and make an informed dental decision. Of course, if you love Invisalign but are concerned about the price, then it’s worth shopping around. Alternatively, if you aren’t bothered about the brand but would like reliable teeth straightening options that fall into a cheaper budget, there are various other options available.

In short, you don’t have to settle for a mouth full of metal when you can have discreet clear aligner treatment. Instead, there is an option for every budget, case type, and need. It’s just a matter of finding it!

Align – Celebrating 10 million smiles

Invisalign – Find a Doctor

Consumer Guide To Dentistry – Invisalign – how it works and what it costs

NYC. Gov – New York State – Sales and Use Tax

Rocket Homes – Cost of Living in New York  – cost of living in Buffalo

World Population Review –  New York State

NYSED.Gov – Licensed dentist statistics – New York State


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