Can Night Guards Help with TMJ Disorders and Bruxism?

Wearing a custom night guard

You may be experiencing more than simply a restless night if you’ve ever woken up with headaches or a painful jaw. It’s possible that you have bruxism or TMJ issues, which can both be very uncomfortable. However, there is a straightforward fix that could be useful: night guards. In this blog, we’ll explore what these conditions are and how a night guard could be the actual thing you’ve been looking for to help with your condition.

What are TMJ Disorders?

Let’s start with TMJ disorders. The TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, is the hinge that connects your jaw to your skull. It’s the joint that lets you talk, chew, and yawn. When it’s working right, you don’t even think about it. But when something goes wrong, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

So, what exactly is a TMJ disorder? Basically, it’s when there’s a problem with your jaw joint and the muscles around it. You might feel pain in your jaw, face, or even your neck. Some people hear clicking or popping sounds when they move their jaw. Others have trouble chewing or feel like their jaw is locked in place.

There are a bunch of reasons why you might develop a TMJ disorder. It could be from an injury to your jaw, arthritis, or even genetics. Sometimes, stress and grinding your teeth (more on that in a bit) can make things worse. The important thing to know is that if you’re dealing with this kind of pain, you’re not alone – and there are ways to find relief.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Pain from TMJ Disorder
Pain from TMJ Disorder

The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the skull which is why it can cause symptoms that are related both to jaw pain and head pain, such as:

  • Clicking sounds in the joint
  • Difficulty moving the jaw
  • Consistent Jaw Pain
  • Headaches, Earaches
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Jaw muscle stiffness
  • Pain, pressure, and ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness
  • Vision problems
  • Misaligned bite

What is Bruxism?

Now, let’s talk about bruxism. Bruxism is the fancy term for grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. This can happen while you’re awake (awake bruxism) or while you’re asleep (sleep bruxism). You might not even realize you’re doing it until you start to notice the symptoms.
People with bruxism often wake up with sore jaws, headaches, or even damaged teeth. Over time, all that grinding can wear down your teeth, leading to more serious dental problems. You might also experience pain in your face, ears, and even your shoulders and neck.

Why do people grind their teeth? Stress and anxiety are big culprits. If you’re feeling tense, your body might take it out on your teeth. An abnormal bite, missing or crooked teeth, and even sleep disorders like sleep apnea can also contribute to bruxism.

What’s the Connection Between TMJ and Bruxism?

Bruxism and TMJ issues are closely related. Bruxism, or teeth grinding, strains the muscles in your jaw and TMJ, causing pain, inflammation, and misalignment. TMJ disorders may result from this, exhibiting symptoms such as clicking noises and jaw pain.This grinding and pain cycle produces a feedback loop. Your chance of grinding your teeth increases with the amount of tenseness you feel in your temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

By stopping teeth grinding, lowering jaw pressure, and promoting TMJ healing, night guards can assist in ending this vicious cycle. They also aid in enhancing general oral health and protect your teeth from harm. For relief and treatment to be effective, it is essential to comprehend this connection.

What Are Night Guards and How Do They Work?

 Night guard for TMJ Pain
Night guard for TMJ Pain

Night guards are custom-made dental appliances designed to protect your teeth and jaw from the harmful effects of bruxism and TMJ disorders. Think of them as a cushion for your teeth and jaw, helping to alleviate the strain and pressure that come from grinding and clenching. But how exactly do they work?

Types of Night Guards

There are three main types of night guards: soft, hard, and dual laminate. Each type has its own benefits and is suitable for different levels of bruxism and TMJ severity.

1. Soft Night Guards: These are typically recommended for mild cases of bruxism. They are made from a flexible, soft material that provides a comfortable fit. While they are the most comfortable to wear, they may not be durable enough for severe grinders.

2. Hard Night Guards: Made from a harder acrylic material, these night guards are more durable and are suitable for moderate to severe bruxism. They offer strong protection for your teeth but might take some time to get used to due to their rigidity.

3. Dual Laminate Night Guards: These combine the best of both worlds, with a soft inner layer for comfort and a hard outer layer for durability. They are ideal for people who need both comfort and strong protection.

How Do Night Guards Function

Night guards work by creating a barrier between your upper and lower teeth. This barrier prevents the teeth from grinding against each other, reducing the wear and tear on your enamel and protecting your teeth from fractures and other damage. Here’s a closer look at how they help:

  • Cushioning the Teeth: The material of the night guard absorbs the force of grinding and clenching, reducing the impact on your teeth and jaw. This helps to alleviate the strain on your TMJ and surrounding muscles.
  • Reducing Muscle Strain: By preventing your teeth from coming into direct contact, night guards help to relax the muscles in your jaw. This can reduce muscle fatigue and soreness, which are common symptoms of both bruxism and TMJ disorders.
  • Promoting Proper Jaw Alignment: Some night guards are designed to help guide your jaw into a more natural position. This can be particularly beneficial for people with TMJ disorders, as it can reduce pain and improve jaw function.
  • Improving Sleep Quality: Many people with bruxism and TMJ disorders experience disrupted sleep due to pain and discomfort. By reducing these symptoms, night guards can help improve the quality of your sleep.

Benefits of Night Guards for TMJ Disorders

 Using a night guard for TMJ disorder
Using a night guard for TMJ disorder

Using a night guard can provide significant relief for those suffering from TMJ disorders. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Pain Relief: One of the primary benefits of night guards is the reduction of pain associated with TMJ disorders. By minimizing the pressure on the TMJ and surrounding muscles, night guards can help to alleviate jaw pain, headaches, and earaches.
  • Reduced Inflammation: The cushioning effect of night guards helps to reduce inflammation in the TMJ, which can improve overall joint function and reduce discomfort.
  • Protection of Dental Work: If you have dental work such as crowns or bridges, a night guard can help protect these investments from the damage caused by grinding and clenching.
  • Prevention of Further Damage: Continuous grinding and clenching can lead to significant dental issues over time. Using a night guard can help prevent further damage to your teeth and jaw, preserving your oral health.

Benefits of Night Guards for Bruxism

Night guards are also highly effective in managing bruxism. Here’s how they help:

  • Protection from Wear and Tear: By preventing your teeth from grinding against each other, night guards protect your enamel from wearing down. This helps to prevent tooth sensitivity and damage.
  • Alleviation of Jaw Pain and Headaches: Bruxism can cause severe jaw pain and tension headaches. Night guards help to reduce these symptoms by minimizing the pressure on your jaw muscles.
  • Prevention of Long-Term Dental Issues: Continuous grinding can lead to tooth fractures, gum recession, and other serious dental problems. Night guards help to prevent these issues by providing a protective barrier for your teeth.
  • Improved Sleep: Just like with TMJ disorders, bruxism can disrupt your sleep. By reducing the pain and discomfort associated with grinding, night guards can help you achieve a more restful night’s sleep.

Where to Get a Custom-Night Guard

If you’re having trouble with TMJ or bruxism, a night guard will help a lot. If you order a custom made from the dentist themselves, it can often be prohibitively expensive, running into hundreds of dollars. Fortunately, there’s another better option that could save you some money and provide great results. Order your custom night guards from ALIGNERCO only for $125. The company sends clients self-impression kits so they can create their own teeth impressions at home and get the perfect fit for their teeth.

Final Thoughts

Many people with TMJ disorders and bruxism can have a better life if they use night guards. In addition to alleviating pain, these devices also protect your teeth from damage by acting as a barrier between them thereby reducing the strain exerted on the jaw. Therefore, anyone experiencing this problem should think about buying one lest distress should befall them due to grinding while sleeping or during daily activities.


1.How do I know if I need a night guard?

If you frequently wake up with jaw pain, headaches, or notice wear on your teeth, you might benefit from a night guard. A dentist can provide a definitive diagnosis and recommend whether a night guard is suitable for you.

2. Can I use an over-the-counter night guard instead of custom-made?

They do not fit as well or give the same protection like custom-fitted nightguards although you could get some relief from them. Since they are used according to one’s mouth grooves, personal guards are more comfortable and effective.

3. How long does a night guard last?

The period that a night guard can be used is dependent on the material an individual uses and the frequency of use. It is common that they could last for like forever when one has a high-quality night guard

4. How do I care for my night guard?

How should I handle my night guard?\nIn order to maintain your night guard properly, rinse it after every use with cold water, clean it using a toothbrush together with non-abrasive toothpaste and store it in a dry case when not being used but keep away from high temperatures that can make it bend. Regular checks for signs of wearing out should be done then it should be replaced accordingly.


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